
Vagrant is a great tool if you like to develop and test on the same server. Or at least emulate that you have the same server and at the same time keep your own system fairly clean.

I’ve been using it for quite a while. After reinstalling my ubuntu machine to get rid of 12.10 and start 12.04 LTS a fresh I had to fix something in my install of vagrant. This is very trivial, but I always get annoyed if I can’t find the solution in one DuckDuckGo/Google search. So I hope I save you a google-trip.

After downloading the .deb from I installed using:

sudo dpkg -i ~/Downloads/vagrant_x86_64.deb

Afterwards getting up and running using:

vagrant box add pengolin64

Did not deliver any results. For me the solution was in symlinking the vagrant binary.. (why is it not installed in /usr/bin?)

sudo ln -s /opt/vagrant/bin/vagrant /usr/bin/vagrant

There you go. Hope that helps.

Words by fritzvd

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