Why I still refuse to cook electric and why we should finish natural resources

Today I had quite an epiphany while I was working the oven (a gas oven that is). I love gas. It is by far the best way to cook. Electric cooking has always seemed a bit gay to me. And I know usually gays are quite advanced and up to speed with fads and ins and outs. But I thoroughly believe that they are wrong on this account.

Electric cooking always requires you to think ahead whilst you are cooking. In stead of turning down the flame when something is boiling over, you need to take the pot of the stove – for those that have no experience with electric cooking it takes a while to heat as well as cool down. That is just way too much effort.

As I was contemplating my newly found wisdom I figured that it is applicable to more situations than just cooking. Driving. Driving with electric sucks! No one can hear you so you keep bumping into children and you can’t even feel or hear that you are rev-ing. Which is very inconvenient in street racing.

Moreover I think we owe it to the next generation to use gas and petrol. I mean we the responsible ones are fine with using such explosive and dramatic equipment, but take a look at the teens nowadays (see graph for visual aid). They are just not ready for such harmful machinery.

So I am all for finishing the natural resources. It is our moral obligation to our next generation of rascals.

Words by fritzvd

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