general frustrations on nobel-prize winning presidents

There is something which has been lingering in my mind for a while now. It has been brooding one US president ago, and has been set to full throttle frustration when a nobel prize was awarded a week-and-some ago.

US presidents have always, in the good-spirited leadership they posses, urged other ‘fragile states’ that nuclear power is something that comes with great responsibility, just like spidey-senses. And of course fragile states cannot handle that kind of responsibility. I will admit, they might have a point. As someone opposed to nuclear weapons in general, I would commend there efforts to disarm and dismantle ‘the bomb’.

However there is something blatantly obtuse and offending in their condescending way of obtaining that goal. It is a hypocrisy that slips the mind of the genious in charge.

In our young nuclear history there is only one country that comes to mind that actually used a nuclear bomb in battle. The same nation that still has a tremendous amount of nuclear weapons. Enough to blow up the world a few times.

My frustration is not so much the fact that a nobel prize has been awarded, as much as the fact that Iran is clearly being taken by the hand as a child. They are taking the scissors it is running with. Whilst the US can still blow up the world a few times, despite the efforts to dial down the nuclear arsenal.

If a child should be taught how to write, the best way is to teach it by following your example. Hence, if the US really wants to persist in patronizing nations like Iran and North Korea, the best way is to set an example and pat KimJong-il and Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on the head whilst saying: “can you do that too?”

Words by fritzvd

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