Vic Falls

Right now I am testing the limits of the slowest connection in the world, as I speedtype this blogpost in existence.

I am writing from Vic Falls in Zimbabwe. A very touristy but nice place. The last few days I have been staying with the aunt and uncle of Washington. Very nice christian people, who took us in the house and helped us on our way.

Yesterday we have arrived safely in Vic Falls. We were hitchhiking from Bulawayo and got a straight lift for 100 ZAR (about 10 EU). Zimbabwe is truely very beautiful. As you drive to Vic Falls lots of different vegetation and soil types appear, that make for a colourful experience. This must be even more exciting in the rainy season, when the grass is not as yellow.

From the looks and talks of it, Zimbabwe is on its way to doing better and better. The shops are full of food, whereas just last December the shops only had toilet paper (so I have been told). There is food, the fuel prices have come down considerably (from 35 ZAR to 10 ZAR) and people are finding ways to make a living other than the criminal paths. You can’t pay anymore with Zim dollars, but you pay with ZAR and USD. Which works quite well, although your wallet can be a confusing mess.

What surprises me a bit is the level of education. Far higher than the Batswana do they reach in school and English is understood and spoken by everyone, some better some not so good. Whereas in Botswana the people seldom reach the A-levels, that take you to University, here the people are fairing quite splendidly. My guess is that Zimbabwe will be a platform for development in this region in a future that is not so far as people think it to be.

Next week I will update again, but then from Cape Town (oh yeah, baby!)

Words by fritzvd

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