Ga gona metsi

On a slightly more positive note than the last post, I am doing fine. Really. I actually forgot to write about one of the most significant events of last week.

There was no water (Ga gona metsi). Seriously. This was big mathata (problems). We had to fetch water in barrels, drums, and empty trash bins. Luckily some of my friends here helped me with their skoro-koro (a car that is close to it’s end). Lack of water also meant I had to have a luke-warm 6 liter bath the other day, not much of a treat.

What we did we went to a borehole about 500-700 meters away from our house and filled the drums. After sundown, which made it more interesting. Because after sundown, it’s dark, real dark. I made some pictures but I don’t have money to upload them now, so I’ll do that next week.

Now from yesterday we are having problems with the water again. The water is running up to 8.00 or something and then.. nothing. Bizarre world. And a big difference to our normal everyday life in the west.


Words by fritzvd

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